Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Monday, October 09, 2006

TURKEY *drool*

It's time to get out the decorations, and fill our faces with food!
YES THIS IS THANKSGIVING. The only holiday I know that wether I like it or not I sleep after eatting. I usually dine out at home, then at the Jacobsens on this fine holiday, but this year I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia with some friends. It is such a beautiful province. TREES FOR DAYS! I got to see a friend who I haven't seen since I left from home. And I even got to spend it with a new family.
I stayed at Matthew Morris, and Jim Midget's household. That was a blast, all we did was really play nintendo, and watch movies. So we really just hung out. But when we weren't at their house we were at Halifax Christian Church. The church was full of awesome people who were on fire of God. Amazing bunch of people. They had their 25th church anniversary this weekend so there was like 4 services, and a carnival, and a giant, delicious turket dinner that Shannon's mom, pat, Nicholson prepaired for 18 people! AND THERE WAS STILL LEFTOVERS! The food was amazing! Turkey= splendidness, and apple pie= pie in my tummy. I really enjoyed the weekend and spending time in the new area, and with my fellow collegees (Robbie, Katherine, John, James, Shannon, and a little bit of Nathan) Of course to every fun thing there always (or at least something) that gets you down. Of course that person would have to be me. Something always goes wrong to ruin/ upset me. But there is no way to change the past, you just have to move on towards the future, and (as my dad and I say) "Walk it off, or go rub dirt on it" So... when life gives you lemons . . .make delicious lemonade. . .yeah . . anyways, happy thanksgiving!



  • At 8:59 PM, Blogger ECbran said…

    I'm so glad you had a lovely time, I heard you called but I must have been passed out or I would've liked to talk to you! You should know that I usually don't wake so early in the morning. ..SAMARA!! hahaha well only 6 days, 6 DAYS and I'll be sleeping in at your place. .whoop! (my floor misses you)


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