Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I've finally moved into the island. My time at the Ross's was sweet! I haven't seen them since they moved from Hamilton. But then I moved into the college on the 4th, and Yes, it is different BUT I like it. I've met so many new people, and I did some grocery shopping, and just shopping in general. On the first day here we all sat in the chapel and sis some worship songs with Kevin. Then after Kevin gave us all a bag (an old potato bag) of goodies like: a bag of cookies, and coupons, and a watch that doesn't work for anyone, and lots of other things. Then we had nachos, and visited. In the evening the girls made the guys watch A Cinderella Story. They didn't complain until Ben came in. And I know for a fact that Darrel enjoyed it, just by the way he was sitting and starring at the screen. Well I'm goi g shopping now with Katherine, Robbie, and John (James brother) So I write back later!!!
Ok so It's later now . . . we went around and shopped, I had to get a USB cord for my printer that dosn't even work on my laptop. -_-. Then we went to this chinese buffet, then came home. Today was my first day of the Oral Communication class. Tom made us anwser questions up at the front of the room, and even one that only one person knew about (it was transubstantiation). yeah . . . But it was fun
YESTERDAY WE DID THE APTITUDE TEST. What they say about it is true. I think I got like 15 out of 150. . . It made my brain fall apart.
But I have homework so I should do it. Later!


  • At 7:43 AM, Blogger ECbran said…

    Oh Sam! You're being all domestic and collegy now. I really wish I could be there with you. Oh yeah, I need a number I can call you at.

  • At 7:30 PM, Blogger hers said…

    Oh Samual, how we miss you in this house. It feels like forever since you've wandered into a room and sat somewhere, or had a drink of the water from the tap in the kitchen. I miss those times, I can't wait until christmas:)

  • At 5:46 AM, Blogger Ben said…

    It is very exciting to have you here

  • At 7:57 AM, Blogger Spiderdan said…

    That test is death!


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