Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Vacation bible Stress?

Now after doing a week of vbs it has come to me that working with the youth is crazily fun. The theme is of course underwater thingy. There were 3 age groups: the mighty minows (2.5-3), Super Starfish (3-5), and the Daring Dolphins (6-10). We all had a lot of fun. Monday we all sang some songs, then went outside to play. It was fun because I made all the kids run and jump on Matthew. There were so many of them that he ended up on the ground (dirty stones) with kids piled up on him. Oh it was good to laugh at him. MUAHAHAHA. Then we did a craft, and a puzzling activity. Once that was over we ended with songs. Then came lunch, then we helped to put the kids to sleep. Then on Tuesday we did songs again, and had more fun. Its cool because the kids really trusted us quickly so when it was time to do more games, and activites, and crafts they were all for it (well some of them). It was frusterating when they wouldn't listen and you had to yell loudly or just sit there and watch them. Plus kids were always everywhere, and screaming, and pushing. So the usual for daycare kids. Tuesday night John came.
Wednesday we did the same things at VBS. But after we went out for Jhn's birthday to see Click. It's funny, and about 5 out of 6 of us almost cried lol! By Thursday we were all just so exhausted! and all the kids were always all over us. One kid kept putting my leg on his head to show me how strong he was. And you knwo they never really stopped with Matthew (MUAHAHA). Then after VBS we all went to Lindi's house to have a party, we had pizza, pop, and watched High School Musical. I'll tell ya, Its pretty crazy! Matthew and John were complaining and the rest of us were laughing at how awful the dancing and well . . it was. After we all singed the songs and did gross dancing to it. Then some Game cube for me Elise Mathew and John. After we all watched that 70's show, and we went to bed. On Friday it was funny because Lindi found the VBS cd, it would have been nice if we could have found it on Monday but you know . . . So we danced and sang to the songs, went through the day, usually we ddin't get a lot done because the kids sometimes like to do their own thing, but it was still super fun!
I also enjoyed hanging out with the other volunteers. HAD FUN! SO . . . t'ill then...


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