Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

So ..

So far my time in P.E.I. has been awesome. On Friday we went to Canoe Cove Christian Camp. I learnt how to play 9 square, I didn't do very well, but I did hit it out of my square a few times (as in like 3). Then we all played skunk (YAY FRISBEE!) I was doing awesome only because no one passed it to me, but that was okay since people were whipping the frisbee at each other. Then we had supper, Kevin did some hamburgers on the BBQ. Then came chapel, sang somes like All the earth will sing your praises, Psalm 9/ I will Praise, and we wanna see Jesus lifted high. If we sang any other song I didn't write it because I forgot. Finally after there was campfire. I enjoyed it because we were all incharge, just sang random songs, then Ben played his guitar and we sang more worship-py songs. I liked having the campfire by the beach, the waves are quite soothing. Then we all went to Ben's house and had chips, drink and chit-chatted. It was a fun day, full of adventure.
Then on Saturday the college went on the Harbour Hippo. It's a big car/ boat that took us on a tour of downtown Charlottetown, and told us funny interesting facts. Then in 30 mins we went into the water with the music of "Jaws". The hippo went around the harbour for 30 mins, and then we went back up on land, and had lunch at Peake's Quay (pronounced as Key). Then we just hung out around the college..
On Sunday I went to Central Church of Christ. I met Dave, his wife Anna, and many others. I also got volunteered to work there for my Christian Service Program. CENTRAL HERE I COME! I like the church, and the people are so welcoming!
After church a few of us gathered at the Marshall's house to go over what things we will be doing with youth and so on. WE EVEN GET OUR OWN BINDERS WITH THINGS IN THEM! That is neat! Well for only knowing that I was going to help there for about 2 hours, I was excited. I love working with kids, and youth, and others, so I hope that I can do well for the church here! Then there was the conovation service at chapel, it was like a welcome thing. Jim Midget spoke on "The Cost of Being A Disciple" Very neat, I've never heard him speak before so I enjoyed it. Then there was food, I mingled around. Then when we should have studied, we went to Dairy Queen. Then I memorized Matthew 5: 1-12, and Read 3 books in the O.T.
YEP It's teh college life for me, and I'm lovin' it!


  • At 5:28 PM, Blogger Ben said…

    Things are certainly exciting around the college. I'm very much enjoying the fun of college without the assignments!

  • At 7:31 PM, Blogger Robbie Sevilla said…

    hahaah benny ur so funny...and yeah actually i enjoy assignments but well thats because im weird. anyway, i hope you enjoy this year samara...i know i will..i get to see u everyday

  • At 7:59 PM, Blogger ECbran said…

    you enjoy your old testament and i'll enjoy accounting. . .like i said, i wish i was there!

  • At 2:10 PM, Blogger The Bridges said…

    Well its good to have you in PEI and I am looking forward to spending more time with you during the year! Hope you have a blast at MCC. The year has gotten off to a good start...if I do say so myself...I had fun hanging out with all of you all week! :)
    -Kia Marie

  • At 3:34 PM, Blogger Spiderdan said…

    That is great Sam, enjoy it! The time will fly!

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Robbie Sevilla said…

    When are you updating your blog pretty lady? It's been almost two the way you're staring into the monitor while I look at your lips.


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