Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Youth Group

Tonight was my second youth group at Central Church. And let me tell you. . .I am so glad that I come here. We first just mingle around and talk, visit whatever you want to call it. Then we would play games. Darrell and Ryan played Mafia, the youth enjoyed it. Then during Dave thought it would be smart to get this pole thing, and stick it up his nose, then "up" Ian's butt. Then he tried to touch me with it. gross. But after we do small groups. And it is my favourite time during the night. We go by a book with different questions that may or may not challenge us. And then after we discuss them. I like sitting and just listening to the group, I don't really know them that well, so I really enjoy what they have to say. Plus we got really into it, and some youth really hit the spot with some of their replies. After we do worship, We sang a song that I forget the name to, but we sang it at the college, thenConsuming Fire . . and let me tell you, I love how it is sung! My favourite part is at the solo guitar part it always gets me! One of my favourites of all, then Blessed be Your Name. The youth here are really talented in this area! Blows me away, nothing else to do but listen and praise God! I am glad that God has sent me here to do my Christian Service Program. I can do lots here, and the youth, and leaders are awesome. I have made new friends, and I can't wait for what the future.


  • At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sam, you are an encouragement and a blessing! Keep up the GREAT work! Sorry about the poll! lol

  • At 7:12 PM, Blogger Tyler said…

    Glad to hear you're enjoying it!
    I'm helping with Sherwood's Youth Group. I'm not doing it just because of Christian Service though. I really want to, and hopefully when I'm finished with college, I'll still be able to do so. I wanted to before, but obviously I wouldn't know enough to do so...nore do I yet, but college will certainly help :)



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