Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, October 22, 2006


The youth rally was great! Exhausting beyond all reasonable doubt, but fun. It was Roaring Lambs 2006 .Being on the worship team was hard too. It was like hillsongs united up on the stage! Yes we had a lot of issues to deal with, but by the end we did do a great job. I got so see some friends whom I haven't seen for a long time! I really enjoyed that. Brenton Dickieson was the speaker, he led some really powerful messages.
Three Season Ant was there to do a concert. They are awesome! Such a great job with the worship. I was so stressed and frusterated with random things, and when worship time came, it was just the thing I needed to get relaxed, and in the mood to go on in the weekend. The band was very friendly, they talked to us, and let some kid play with instruments. SO they are not jerks (a plus). I did get to help carry some of their thingys. Not a lot might I add, but help is help. There is a picture of us and the band Three Season Ant.

Over all it was a great time, I can't wait for next year!



  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger Darrell said…

    I am glad your my best friend too Samara!...Exalt was awesome, things really worked out, I believe that God was truly honored by All that had happened.

  • At 5:16 PM, Blogger Trooper said…

    Samara you did awesome! I barely know you, but yet I feel like I know you because you are so awesome and friendly! Thanks for being a part of Exalt!


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