Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Monday, October 16, 2006

patiently waiting

As many people know, Exalt is coming up soon! And by soon I mean on Friday. I am actually ready for it to be over. There is so much to do for it. The worship band has practiced like minimum 20 hours alone, IN THE PAST WEKK AND A HALF! It's crazy, and we have to put off our work to get the worship all ready and set up. We have progressed SO much though, It's awesome! We also have some what of decorations prepared. Somewhat as in, two big posters. But it's a start. but the greatest news of all, is that my best friend is coming down tomorrow! I miss her so much! Elise and I have spend pretty much the whole summer (i think I was at home for about a week) together. It's weird not sleeping on her floor... but now...she is sleeping on mine (yessssssssssssssssss)

Us in 2003. LONG TIME AGO! we are at a kids night *fiesta*

us in 2004--->

<---2005 at Gage Park

Us in 2006 at OCA---->

Yep, We have changed over the years, but still crazy the same! Anyways I get to see her tomorrow, she is staying for a week, tuesday to tuesday!
There still is work to do though, lots and lots of work. . . oh the joys!



  • At 12:52 PM, Blogger Darrell said…

    Work is Awesome....I did'nt just type that...I meant work is the devil! it says somewhere in the Bible...Try 4 Peter 1:15...
    Just kidding its not in the Bible, nor is there a 4 Peter.

  • At 12:53 PM, Blogger Darrell said…

    Cool Post


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