Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Lectures over. . .

It was the first time I have ever been at a lectureship thing. It started on Tuesday and ended on Friday. I enjoyed it a lot! The speaker was Steve McMillan (don't know about the spelling??) and he did an awesome job. He spoke from the book of 1Peter. By being at these lectures we were about to get out of our classes (BONUS!), of course none of us did any work while the week was going by, but that is only natural. On Tuesday we went to Sherwood, sat up on the balcony listened to Steve speak, came back to the college and watched a game of Risk. I didn't understand it at all, so I just took Jim's players and made them into different situations where they would die, or kill others...quite enjoyable. Then we had to go to the night service downtown PEI. There was a band that was made up of people from the churchs around here (well, Cornwall, Central and Sherwood) They did a good job, also a choir was singing too. There was a song, Revival, that the choir and band did together, it was awesome! Then after the lectures we usually went out somewhere, like Tim Hortons or something like that. Taught Tyler how to play comment :P Then Wednesday it was pretty much the same. I don't really remember what went on at the college...probably something that is too cool for yous to know about...which is the real reason why I can't write it....yes..I CANT FORGET NATHAN! Tyler drove Nathan, Robbie, Elise and moi to Tim Hortons...we were debating wether or not we wanted to go in, out of nowhere Nathan gets our of the car, goes to the window (where people, who we saw at the lectures were sitting) and licks the window! We were all stunned, and just ended up bursting out in laughter when he came back in. The people in Tim Hortons just looked at us in the car, they did have a smile on their face but it slowly turned to a look of discust. We did eventually go into the Tim Hortons, and Nathan found out that he did know the people who saw him. It was too funny. Ask him about it sometime..

Thursday was our pancake breakfast. We got up at 6 something, and was at Sherwood by 7:30 to make Pancakes and sausages. We were all so tired, but no one got food poisioning, or died, or complained, so it was a success. After the lectures we all went to Laura's house got into teams and played Cranium. It was interesting because it took about 20 minutes to put ourselves in teams, and still were confused, and then actually playing the game...but it was fun anyways.
Friday was the last day of the lectures, and it was a good day! The band, Three Season Ant was there. They came at 5:30 pm when they should have been there at 4. So we had like 40 mins to help them get set up and do sound checks and all that jazz, but they made it. There was a great turn out there, even saw some non- young people...which is always nice. Three Season Ant played, and rocked the convention centre! Steve had an awesome message, and Unified did a good job as well. Then we went to Cody Banks, watched some hockey...It was probably the coldest that it has ever been in there! Then of course to Tim Hortons for some good old fasioned arm wrestling (which we established that I am not good at *even when I cheat*) It was a good ending to the busy week. But now it is over, back to work, back to reality, and back to not sleeping. And of course Jamie is getting (or got) married this weekend! YAY!

P.s. a picture of moi! with a book Nathan found and thought fit me quite well.

-Can you figure out why? >.<

and a random picture! (This picture was take a while back...It was as you can see in someone's was kinda scary, hahahaha...O_o



  • At 4:38 PM, Blogger Katherine Karen said…

    haha you make me smile, always.

  • At 11:41 AM, Blogger Samara Ashley said…

    i have that effect on people :P

  • At 8:39 AM, Blogger Darrell said…

    Lol that book is fitting to you... I have read a couple books by that guy, I can imagine it is good... just kidding, but I did read some books by him.

  • At 12:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Samara,
    Update your blog!
    From: The Blog Nazi

  • At 12:43 PM, Blogger Darrell said…

    Dave Marshall you are a blog Nazi!... and you are also very red... lol Gotcha! Ch Ching!

  • At 10:05 AM, Blogger Trooper said…

    That picture is absolutely terrifying. oh and the one of the doll is pretty scary too.

    i believe you just go BURNED.

    I love you :)


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