Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Well the end of the semester has come. It came quite quick I might add. So many memories, so many stories.
I had an awesome first half here, and I can't wait until second semester!
At Central today the children of the church did some songs and sang and marched in a circle, it was very very cute. But the best part was when Knox did his lines in a mexican accent (it was Feista Navidad) Then Dave came out with a pinata and Knox beat it to a pulp! HILARIOUS! The little kids were so cute too. Max (Katherine Glavin-Large's son) decided not to do anything but make faces and thrown his tambourine. He was a hit. Then there was a child who knew his mom was video taping him, so he was being funny to the camera. It was a fun church service today. And I (plus the sunday school class) got to go to Smitty's this morning for Sunday school. I got these crepe things, they were good, but since I never eat breakfast I got full fast. Then later on today the Central leaders are going to Dale Eynon's house for a Christmas dinner that consists of KFC and pizza. Mmmmm.... Beisdes all the fun today, I also have to do a lot of studying and reading! Little do I know, I won't do it... but still. But it is Go time here, very busy.
On another note, we had our MCC Christmas party. I enjoyed myself, even though my feet were frozen and my black shoes turned white from snow, I loved it. My present I got was a bag od licorice, and a huge chocolate bar . However, I think that my favourite part of that night was when Nathan got his favourite gift-clodhoppers- and at the last person to go , Tyler traded him! IT WAS GREAT. so evil!
Well I really have nothing else interesting going on in my life...well..not yet...SO ENJOY!


  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger Darrell said…

    This weekend was intense, why can't every weekend be that relaxed. I guess thats what made the weekend special. I think we will all remember the laughs of this weekend for sure Samara. Awesome Post!

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Matthew said…


  • At 9:43 AM, Blogger Matthew said…

    Get it! I left a comment! Zing! I'm hilarious!

  • At 5:41 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said…



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