Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A very Merry Christmas

The day that everyone waits for is again another 364 days away. It is crazy to think about how fast it came this year! It is good to be around the family again...I went to my mom's house and had a nice visit with her. And I spent yesterday at my dad's girlfriend's mom's house, then off to Elise's house for the night. I had fun *even though I am sadly sick :( * Got lot of goodies! Listened to some tunes, and then took some drugs and slept the night away. I didn't wake up today until noon! I don't think I have ever done that before.
Also our church had a Candle light service on Christmas eve. We sang some songs, butchered some songs...Of course we had to sing the first noel, or should I say Nowell...That was just as pleasant as it was when us college students went to the nursing home! But still, it was a fun night. I'm just glad I didn't light anything on fire :P.
The holiday has been great so far! Even though I miss everyone at the college, I am glad to be home. So to everyone, hope you had a very merry Christmas, and have a happy new year!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Home sweet Home

I am once again back in Hamilton, Ontario. In my HOUSE! I love my HOUSE. I am excited that I am in my HOUSE. For many of you who know, I haven't known where I live for months, but here I am. My flight home was alright, Katherine sang lots, and the guy beside me gave us these cards and told us to go to his studio . . .physco...I can say I do not have that card anymore.
But I did have lots of pepsi and watch TLC on the plane. The ride home with Katherine's parents was cool, hot, and stuffed and my legs were so cramped it was frusterating. I was dropped off at Elise's house, and unpacked as much as I could before I had to tell Scott my few big words that I have learnt over the past few months. Then I showed pictures to Caitlin and Elise, then I was kidnapped by them to go to 7-11 and get a hot chocolate then to a place where lights are all over the place. It was so beautiful, if only I could let yous see it. I have never seen anythng like it in Hamilton. Then we went back and eventually fell asleep.
The next morning I was up and at em at 7:30 to leave the house at 8, to be at the daycare by 8:30. I really missed working and being at the daycare, the kids are awesome! and a lot of them remembered me whch was another plus. I visited with some other friends there and went to Starbucks twice (hot chocolate in the morning, and a peppermint mocha in the afternoon ..delicious)
Before I left the church was going through changes to make it bigger so we can get more people in. (The church is also a daycare) There was stones in the drive way, now it is paved WITH A SPEEDBUMP! I hate speedbumps... THere also has been a new additon to the playground. And the front wall is now windows, and the basement walls have been taken out, and made into one big happy room... It is amazing to see what people have done without me I'm not bitter, I am glad. Excited actually. And I have heard that we have a new couple at the church! YAY US!!! So I really can't wait until Sunday when I can see everyone in the congregation, and even an excuse to wear my clickies!
Today I woke up and just hung around the house with my dad. I was going to go to my highschool to visit my spanish teacher, and I am sure that my math teacher owes me a coffee...or any hot beverage. But I didn't end up going, instead I watched movies and ate steak.
And tomorrow I am going to the school, then to the mall to meet up with my friend Chrystal, and then to a management meeting at church. Haven't been to one of those in a while.
I do miss the island and everyone on it! It's weird not seeing everyone, and running amuk everywhere. I can't wait until next semester comes! New classes, no 8 am or Friday classes! the joy! (even though the 8 am and fridayness was good because I would be up to "do work", but still). Anyhoo I will enjoy my family and friends here, and when I come back I will have Elise with me!!! well two days later, but STILL!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Goodbye Grey Skys Hello Blue

Today is my last day in PEI for the year. It is crazy to think that the semester is done... so much happened, lots of studying, lots of oh my. Exams are finished, meaning no more english for life!! That class was death, death written all over it.
Everyone has left, the only two people here and Katherine and myself. I found it super boring when Katherine left for work at 9am... until 5pm! I was all alone. I packed a little, and cleaned my room, "read" a book, and listened to music while trying to play the bass. I also called my dad, and he is too excited to have me home. But instead I am going to my best friend's friends house, Elise, for the night and in the morning I am going to work with her at the daycare!
I was also looking on her myspace and realized how much I actually MISS home!!! I was looking at what my church has been doing, and the people (or my "family") of the church have been up to, and I am pretty sure that I almost cried to see how everyone has changed, and how aweosme the church is looking. (It is getting built to be bigger). I now am fully excited to go home now. Away from the cloudy skys, to (at least of what I know) blue skys...and on the plane there is cable, so I can watch TLC. haha.
It is going to be different though, once I am at home because I won't be waking up to having someone in my bed, or seeing everyone at 8am for class...ect. I find that it is already different since when I woke up...
But it is only 20 days, and those will be awesome!
I kinda don't know what to write about at the moment, as you can probably tell...All I really do is just babble on and on. and on and on....and on and on.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Well the end of the semester has come. It came quite quick I might add. So many memories, so many stories.
I had an awesome first half here, and I can't wait until second semester!
At Central today the children of the church did some songs and sang and marched in a circle, it was very very cute. But the best part was when Knox did his lines in a mexican accent (it was Feista Navidad) Then Dave came out with a pinata and Knox beat it to a pulp! HILARIOUS! The little kids were so cute too. Max (Katherine Glavin-Large's son) decided not to do anything but make faces and thrown his tambourine. He was a hit. Then there was a child who knew his mom was video taping him, so he was being funny to the camera. It was a fun church service today. And I (plus the sunday school class) got to go to Smitty's this morning for Sunday school. I got these crepe things, they were good, but since I never eat breakfast I got full fast. Then later on today the Central leaders are going to Dale Eynon's house for a Christmas dinner that consists of KFC and pizza. Mmmmm.... Beisdes all the fun today, I also have to do a lot of studying and reading! Little do I know, I won't do it... but still. But it is Go time here, very busy.
On another note, we had our MCC Christmas party. I enjoyed myself, even though my feet were frozen and my black shoes turned white from snow, I loved it. My present I got was a bag od licorice, and a huge chocolate bar . However, I think that my favourite part of that night was when Nathan got his favourite gift-clodhoppers- and at the last person to go , Tyler traded him! IT WAS GREAT. so evil!
Well I really have nothing else interesting going on in my life...well..not yet...SO ENJOY!

Friday, December 01, 2006

guess what?

CHICKEN BUTT...but seriously.

Okay, so I have been taking spanish class since grade 10 (I'm obviously not in it now, but you get it) I my past years in this class I have had to fight with the school board not to take the class out of the curiculum every year. In this class all we would do was eat spanish foods, go on picnics..and eat, watch movies (con Antonio Banderas) play games, and finally do a production of any movie we want in spanish (plus english) In my grade 11 year we did Chicago, and I was Roxie Hart! Lead role, tons of lines, and oh the dancing. If you have seen the movie its hard to think that we did each dance according to the movie (cellblock tango was slightly different ;)) Then in my grade 12 year we did Bauty and the Beast! I was BELLE! yay, lead role again. However, the week before I ended up needing to have my appendix out so we had an understudy within 2 days of the play! This tradition of productions have been going on in the school (they have done *my grade 9 year* Charlie's Angels, *grade 10* The grinch, *grade 11* Chicago, and *Grade 12* Beauty and the Beast.) many mucho anos! Like 15 years. But now I figure out the the grade 12's now force the teacher not to do the production! These kids were so annoying last year, ruins everything (it's a split class). I'm so mad now, the teahcer is very very passive, and doesn't even know how to be mean. I'm pretty sure that if I was something would change..jerks.. So she didn't argue. Now I'm mad!

But also, on the way to Mc Donalds, Joel, me, Tyler, and Robbie. It was just at the superstore entrance when this truck cut Joel off, and we were like one foot from hitting him! Joel slammed on the brakes, and swirved! It was so scary. But I guess that is what you get for going to Mc Donalds when there is a Wendy's closer by :P.

Lots to do, Lots to do, I almost finished my resource file within like 3 hours! That is due on Monday. I will just add a few more thingys. Plus I worked on my Lesson for Christian Ed. It's a working progress, yes it is...I am also doing 150 pages of reading...I'm at page 50.. That is due on Tuesday. And I did my O.T study sheet. Today I think I did more work then ever since I have been here... well actually my second big work day. So I live the normal boring life of a student... I look forward to sleep, and of course Resident Evil 4, I like that I am addicted to it! Even though I get scared always! (p.s. never eat dunk-a-roo's when watching).

I leave for home soon, I am pretty excited! I will go to Ikea for hotdogs, and ice cream. Then I will go to New York to visit my grandpa. Go sleep on Elise's floor, and visit my mommy! Yep, oh yeah and do questions for Romans class.blah! It's pretty much what I wanted to do in my spare time!-not.

Anyways Rebecca is rubbing my shoulders... it feels too good to type, peace out A town!
