Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gage Park

I have a love for taking pictures. No really being in them, I never know where to put my hands, or how to pose or whatever it is. But I like to take pictures of all sorts of things. Elise and I were bored so we decided to go to Gage Park and relax, talk, and take pictures. I don't remember the last time I have actually hung aroung Gage, but it was fun. I used to go swimming in the fountain and so on when I was younger (eww- gross) and I love trees,a nd flowers and all sorts of other greenery! It makes me happy. And there is a tree there (A BIG WILLOW) that I have liked ever since the first day I saw it long ago. It's just big and droopy.

Here is me and the fountain. I was deciding how to climb it. --->

<--- Elise finally giving up on trying to stay dry

It was a bright and beautiful day outside! --->
<--- Elise and I drying off in the sun


  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger Darrell said…

    That looks pretty fun, I checked the ones on Facebook too... I will have to see that sometime in person. I kinda wanted to go in a swim in it. Its getting so warm outside.


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