Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Monday, June 04, 2007

patiently waiting

Now I am officially settled in here in Ontario. I find myself, however, living in a box and a garbage bag. But that is okay because I only have a month left here. I got my plane ticket already and will be heading back to PEI July 11th! I am excited.. too excited! I also took my first aid/ CPR course, and if I have learned nothing else in my life is was the joys of trying to save a dummy. I also liked how I could help someone with a broken collarbone but found it quite difficult to put a simple sling on someone. I also am certified to work an AED machine (those machines that put jolts of electricity through someone's body). tee hee. I found that marvy. So after that course I now can work at the camp. Speaking of camp- soon! Even though I am really really patiently waiting for it to come, I must say that I am quite nervous. I have minor worries, none that are a problem, I can be known to let my imagination get the best of me. I am excited to see my school friends, and those whom I didn't go to school with.
I find life boring now that I don't have to study something... even though when school comes I will probably wish I never said that. But now I have nothing to do. least when I am done work. Which in fact I just started at Noah's Ark Children's Center! It's a daycare, and I love it. I do a little bit of eveything. Clean, prepare foods, rub backs during nap time while not falling asleep myself (tricky it is), then when the wee ones wake up making sure that they play safe and stay out of trouble. Always entertaining. Today I taught the schoolagers a camp song and as they did enjoy it, they also remembered it!
I am liking the visiting my church friends... I forgot how much I missed them. I missed singing toltally off-key, and dancing horribly, and wrestling with each other... And the of course lovely IKEA visits after church. 50 cent hotdogs WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE.

Anyways- random note here to anyone who reads this...if people still do this whole blogging thing: A prayer for my dad. He isn't doing so hot. Has A LOT of seizures and is slowly killing himself- which sucks. At moment this is a big issue in my life because if he doesn't get better I may not go to PEI (just in case anything happens) for I know that if something happens and I can't comfort or help I will.. not die but feel...awful. So a prayer for a loved one!

Ti'll we write again..or at least me, I guess...


  • At 5:49 PM, Blogger The Bridges said…

    I am praying for your father. Joel

  • At 6:22 PM, Blogger Darrell said…

    Samara I was praying that you might get a job and have something to do, thats prayer answered. Glad your doing well, I will keep your father in prayer. Do you mind if we have him added to the Church prayer list? If you are fine with that, get in contact with me.
    Appreciate you Samara, keep ministering to the children. Your God's Blessing to them and I am sure they are to you as well.


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