Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Today was Peter and Kasia's 2nd wedding. It was well done. Lindi, Elise, Caitlin, Josh and I were decorating the church on Saturday night from like 7 pm to 11pm, and we didn't even finish putting up the fabric, and lights on the ceiling. But after we decided to go to Starbucks to visit Laura instead of finishng. At Starbucks we all ordered something (it was on Josh) I got a strawberry blended lemonade. . .Mmmmm . . we also helped Laura close by bringing in the heavy patio furnature. Atfter we went home to sleep. Today we were all at the church by 11:30 am to finish setting up. We, of course, danced to music while doing this. Around 4 pm we were done, and had to get dressed to go to Pier 4 to decorate it.
The decorations were: light green hawian flowers all over, and we strung some around the ceremony area. There was cheesecloth to cover the graffitti . . . but.... it looked pathetic so we decided to have Matthew Morris be a decoration and stand infront of it. The ceremony was about 15 mins. Then everyone went to the church to mingle, and eat snacks. Elise, Matthew, Josh, and I stayed behind to clean up.
The reception was good. Nice soft dinner music played as we all mingled, and visited with Peter and Kasia. And as an added bonus Peter made a slide show/ movie of him and his new wife (very funny). People left around 9ish, and that is when the after party took place.
Me, Lindi, Elise, Caitlin, Laura, Josh, and Matthew blared music, and danced for a long time. Then we cleaned up a bit, then Josh started to do some kariokee to Bob Dylan, and Bruce Sprinsteen (among others). Then we played starwars. I went up on Josh's shoulders and then he just spun me around, and made it seem like I was going to fall. . .(don't ever play starwars . . I don't get it, but don't play it) So that little thing took 10 years off my life. Then we all just banged into each other while dancing, very messy, but well . . we were so tired, and just didn't care anymore. We danced to My Girl, Thriller, Ain't No Mountain High Enough, and of course Bruce Springsteen. (among others). After Josh started to beat up Caitlin, and beatting her with her own shoe. Then he tried to give me an eario, so he threw me down, and tried to pin me down (but having "Squermy Skills" I got out. UNTIL Lindi, and Laura, and Elise helped him, I was so exhausted and all my muscles hurted, but I ended up winning and I didn't get an eario (yesss . .)
Then we cleaned up the rest, set up for church, and relaxed for about 15 mins while watching U2 on DVD. Then we went home
Matthew and Laura were driving out of the parking lot and me, Lindi, Caitlin, and Elise were standing in a line baricading the driveway. Laura just drover over caitlin's shoe. hhahaha. Then we all chased the car to try to hop on, but Caitlin tripped, lost her balance, and fell FLAT on her face. Too funny to believe, we all laughed until it hurt. Then Josh and Lindi drove us home.
Yes, It's days like theses where I will miss my Hamilton Family. We haven't all just hung out and had fun for a long time where we act like fools. Quite fun. and to think I leave in 4 days!
I will make new memories there, and have a blast so I am excited!
But I've had a LONG day and it is 11:38 pm now, and I am so tired! So GOODNIGHT!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

The General

The last time I was in the General Hospital I was getting my appendix out. I stayed 3 days and two nights, and for all those days and a night my dad was right there beside me. HOWEVER, today was a different story.
It started when I went out at 7 am with my friends Elise and Caitlin. After Caitlin went home, and Elise and I went to Limeridge mall to hang out/ talk/ and to waste time. Once we walked around, and all that jazz it was time to go home. Then we went to Elise's house. {It was at this time that my dad had a seizure.} I was getting ready to do some painting at the church when my grandma called and said "Your dad had a bad seizure about 15 minutes ago, he is doing awful, the ambulance should be at your house now."- That wasn't my favourite thing to hear from the other end of the phone, but alright. Scott drove me to the bus stop, and I was on my way to the Hospital.
I really didn't want to go because, well . . . I wasn't too fond of my recent trip. But I wanted to see how my dad was doing. When I showed up the nurses wouldn't let me see him because they didn't think I was related. So I had to argue with them to make them understand as I would throw different ID. Yes, still a frusterating place, nothing has changed. Once they let me in, I saw my dad he was hooked up to "the internet" {different Plugs} and had a breathing mask on his face and IV needles. He looked alright though, usually he has tons of bruises, and cuts, or blood everywhere {quite gross} but he did look good. It was so sad to see him like that. The doctors gave him 10 pills to stop him from shaking. They put him right out.
As he was sleeping I thought of when I was in the hospital and when I was "sleeping" he would talk to me saying how proud he was of me, and how I will be alright. Totally monologuing. He used to do it a lot when I was small. But yeah. I caught myself doing it. I cryed a little remembering how much my dad has been there for me in the past, and how much he hasn't. For those reasons I wanted to be there for him.
Once dad woke up I smiled at him. He told me he was scared, and I held his hand. Until the Valum Kicked in and he fell asleep again. I don't know what I am going to do when I leave. I know dad will have more seizures, and everything else that is wrong with him, and I won't be there for him when he needs me. I'm afraid of leaving and something horrible happening to him, or even my brother. But Nick is healthy, but him and dad do not get along so there is a sace there. Dad is FAR from it. I know that he is slowly dying, or slowly killing himself. It's hard to think about. I shouldn't but seeing him like I do, It's hard.
I pray for him a lot. At home, or at church where ever I am. So I ask who reads this to pray. Help me pray.
Until he is better I have to stay by him {except when I have to go home like now} I have to make sure he knows that I am there for him, and he is going to be okay.

Friday, August 11, 2006

I hope- Dixie Chicks

Sunday morning, I heard the preacher say
Thou shall not kill
I don't wanna, hear nothin' else, about killin'
And that it's God's will
Cuz our children are watching us ,They put their trust in us
They're gonna be like us
So let's learn from our history And do it differently

I hope
For more love, more joy and laughter
I hope, We'll have more than we'll ever need
I hope,We'll have more happy ever afters
I hope, We can all live more fearlessly
And we can lose all the pain and misery
I hope, I hope

Oh Rosie, her man he gets too rough
And all she can say, is he's a good man
He don't mean no harm, He was just brought up that way
But our children are watching us, They put their trust in us
They're gonna be like us,
It's okay for us to disagree, We can work it out lovingly

For I hope
For more love, more joy and laughter
I hope, You'll have more than you'll ever need
I hope, You'll have more happy ever afters
I hope, And you can all live more fearlessly
And you can lose all your pain and misery
I hope, I hope

There must be a way to change what's going on
No, I don't have all the answers

I hope
For more love, more joy and laughter
I hope, you'll have more than you'll ever need
I hope, There'll be more happy ever afters
I hope, We can all live more fearlessly
And we can lose all the pain and misery
I hope, I hope

I hope
I hope
I hope

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

If You Have Jesus, You Have Everything

"If You Have Jesus, You Have Everything" Begin each day with that thought. You may feel like a little lost lamb, but Jesus is your Shepperd, is with you wether you need help with a problem,or someone to love you, or if you need forgiveness. If you fall He will pick you up, and if you're in danger, He'll save you. He will help you with temptation, and guide you to Him.

-In Him is all I need.
-In Him is all I need.

-His abundance for my emptiness.
-And His life for my lifelessness.

-His love for my coldness.
-And His light for my darkness.

-His truth for my deceit.
-And His joy for my saddness.

-His victory for my defeat.
-And His rest for my restlessness.
-By Gerdi Sirtl.

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all, will he not also give us all things with Him?" (Romans 8:32)

Sometimes we all need to remember what Jesus is to us. What He has done for us, What He has given uo for us.

My Own

It hit me while I was reading a note from Robbie . . .
A lot of people think I am going to Maritime Christian College because he is going. I find that both annoying, and frusterating. This question has come up during many conversations, and it is starting to get on my nerves.
I am going to bible college for the same reason everyone is (Well I hope they think the same way I do). I shouldn't have to explain why I want to go, sorry I shouldn't have to defend myself. I'm not going for Robbie, I am going for me, My own personal growth. And I don't like it when people think that. So whoever reads this, and even starts to think about this situation, or has been. JUST DON'T!!
The one thing that hurt me a lot was when I read that even the thought of me just going for Robbie was infact . . . .. . Robbie. . . . thanks.
p.s. On a better note, I got my plane ticket. P.E.I=AUGUST 30TH!!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Update . . .

Well, this is a little update on me since I last wrote. First I went to my grandma's house in St. Catherines. She made sure I am ready to go to MCC! On Monday we did 4 hours of shopping (very fun). Then Tuesday we did only 2 hours of shopping, and cut and got my hair highlighted (very nice) Once we got home I went on to my OSAP thingy, and printed all my papers. When the time comes to get my money I will be so lost. THIS PROCESS IS SO CONFUSING, I'm going to be a lost puppy. I thought It was going to be easy, but boy was I wrong. Now I am really worried that something will go wrong :(. But on a happier note I am going to P.E.I August 30th. I'd describe how I feel but every emotion is going through me. I am excited to go to college, meet new people, and live kind of on my own. I'm scared to leave home, and have to realize how expensive the world is. I'm nervous . . well just because all the move. And I am over joyed to be living the experience. I am excited to see people that I haven't seen for a while. I'm excited to do new things, and visit new churches. I'm just excited!!!!
I will miss my friends. and family. I will miss my church a lot. yeah . . . There a pretty coll bunch of people.
Saturday/ Sunday/ Monday is when I am buying my plane ticket. I have a ride to pick me up at the airport, so that is swell.
At the moment there is cop cars outsie of the Jacobsen's house. Caitlin, Elise, and I were bored so we decided to sing a little for them. I'm sure they enjoyed it. As always.
-So that's about it, enjoy