Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Friday, July 28, 2006

Vacation bible Stress?

Now after doing a week of vbs it has come to me that working with the youth is crazily fun. The theme is of course underwater thingy. There were 3 age groups: the mighty minows (2.5-3), Super Starfish (3-5), and the Daring Dolphins (6-10). We all had a lot of fun. Monday we all sang some songs, then went outside to play. It was fun because I made all the kids run and jump on Matthew. There were so many of them that he ended up on the ground (dirty stones) with kids piled up on him. Oh it was good to laugh at him. MUAHAHAHA. Then we did a craft, and a puzzling activity. Once that was over we ended with songs. Then came lunch, then we helped to put the kids to sleep. Then on Tuesday we did songs again, and had more fun. Its cool because the kids really trusted us quickly so when it was time to do more games, and activites, and crafts they were all for it (well some of them). It was frusterating when they wouldn't listen and you had to yell loudly or just sit there and watch them. Plus kids were always everywhere, and screaming, and pushing. So the usual for daycare kids. Tuesday night John came.
Wednesday we did the same things at VBS. But after we went out for Jhn's birthday to see Click. It's funny, and about 5 out of 6 of us almost cried lol! By Thursday we were all just so exhausted! and all the kids were always all over us. One kid kept putting my leg on his head to show me how strong he was. And you knwo they never really stopped with Matthew (MUAHAHA). Then after VBS we all went to Lindi's house to have a party, we had pizza, pop, and watched High School Musical. I'll tell ya, Its pretty crazy! Matthew and John were complaining and the rest of us were laughing at how awful the dancing and well . . it was. After we all singed the songs and did gross dancing to it. Then some Game cube for me Elise Mathew and John. After we all watched that 70's show, and we went to bed. On Friday it was funny because Lindi found the VBS cd, it would have been nice if we could have found it on Monday but you know . . . So we danced and sang to the songs, went through the day, usually we ddin't get a lot done because the kids sometimes like to do their own thing, but it was still super fun!
I also enjoyed hanging out with the other volunteers. HAD FUN! SO . . . t'ill then...

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Starting on Monday our Mountain View Christian Church, plus volunteers (John. Matthew, Jenna?,Jillian,Daley ect . . ) will be running a VBS for the daycare. It's really fun though, The songs are fun to sing, tiring for the legs but still fun. And the crafts are cool and easy. The theme is under the sea, so Elise, Crystal and I spent yesterday afternoon making props, and scenery for the whole water thing.
Also during the week it's Johnny jo jo's 17th birthday! *Happy Birthday* . So Elise and I decided to take him and Matthew to a movie, and out to have dimsum (Cuz John likes it). So That'll be swell. But the week will be tiring, nothing but singing and dancing like idiots for the 5 days. But then yet as I think about it that's all Elise, and I really do in our spare time. So it's the same old, same old.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hair Dye or Hair Death

Well I am dying my hair, and by I, I mean Elise. We got this new hair dye this morning at Shoppers Drugmart. It is a brownish/Blonde with some "Natural" Highlights in them. (I don't know why they are called natual since they come out of a box). But I need a new change so I decided to dye it. It will look good, since, HEH it's on me. But yeah, at the present moment it is burning a small bit... and then it is itchy. I WANT TO SCRATCH IT, however, I can do no such thing. I take it out at 12:15! I find it exciting. But I am nervous, I hope people and Me (of course) like it. So taa taa 'til then.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Jr. High

Being a counceller at Jr. high is probably more exhausting than being a camper at sr. high. But I had SO much fun there it's crazy! It was so much fun to hang out with the ABC team again (you guys rock!) and my other teen councillers were so awesome to be around. The campers were crazy, loud, and cool. There were 9 girls and 5 boys so it was relatively small for a jr. high camp. I made lots of new friends and came closer to God through testemonies, sermons, and through prayer. I wish it wasn't over (even though the sore/tired/grumpy side of me tells me YES SLEEP!) BUT . . even so camp is a life changing experience and I cherish the memories.
Monday we were supposed to go on a hike but it rained so we went to Shelbourne pool. No one really wanted to go swimming, but the campers went and the only councillors were Matthew and I. Then once we all came back to camp we napped, then the worship team had to go practice (me,elise,john,matthew,and becky). That was fun when we could all just go, hang out and play some music together to worship God.
Tuesday we all just played in the water on the tarp i think. Seems so far away. I didn't want to go down, but Matthew stopped my thinking on that. Then we threw Jordan down, and then Elise. So by the end everyone who was outside went down wether they liked it or not.
Wednesday we went back to Shelbourne pool and got into our teams (Go BEAVER!) and played keep away. yes yes I'd say beaver won, but you know how it goes.

Thursday we had a faculty hunt. it was really fun! elise and i weren't the first ones found. Actually no one found us. That night a girl named Melissa had an asthma attack and me being a person who has lots of them helpped her, since no one else knew how to deal with it.
Friday was the amazing race. It was so hot and we made the campers exhausted! However, they did have the water fight to look forward to after. We all got drenched . I tried to throw John down the tarp, but it didn't go well. But the cool part was when Flora Jean went down the tarp. When she did though, she hit her head on the ground (once she did there was silence all throughout the camp) so hard that she forgot a lot fo things as the day went by. Such as that after she went down the first time, she went down a second time (Go Flora!), and why she wanted Matthew and John into the kitchen, and she even forgot that she made cheese cake!! So it was bad. Dave Pickle went down too, that was funny, he did well.

Then came pranks! I knew what the guys were doing since for the whole week I was their "inside girl" So us girls waited for them, so we could do our prank on them. IT WAS SO FUN all it turned out to be was a giant water fight at 1 am. I got drenched, and all the running, and struggling made me sore, but I did get my target like I said so I am satisfied. There was on flaw, right before us girls did your prank the dean and hs wife stopped all of us because we were noisy. so that sucked!- but still fun night-
Oh yes, jr. high was really fun. From scary letters to Naomi, to me ALWAYS dying at mafia (You guys are just jealous) camp was sweet!


Saturday, July 08, 2006

Camp 06

Another week of camp has passed. It was actually my last year as a camper. It was fun, we had a great group of campers, and the ABC team was quite swell. The fireworks in town were cool.First we just hung out around tHE camp grounds at the BBQ, and talked with some friends that we haven't seen in awhile. It was fun, and it's always good to be at camp.

Next we went to Wasaga Beach. Some of us shopped, some swam, and some of us burried each other in the sand. (David MacDonald burried in the sand) It was really cold though so not a lot of people swam. But I did get a blizzard at Dairy Queen so it's cool. After we had chapel on the beach (in the back area) I think it would be cool to have it right on the beach, but we haven't done that for a while. During the worship some seagulls were eatting our food, so we had to "shoo" them away.

The week was full of fun activities, and campers who were excited to learn more about God. The classes were interesting. We talked about faith, inheritence, and about our future problems about homosexuals, and the muslum religion. I am so tired, and I should be taking a nap . .. . but . . . nah. On Friday afternoon we had a banquet. The messhall was really pretty, and we all dressed up (well, as much as we could for being at camp) and took tons of pictures! Next week I have to go back again to be a counseller for Tom Marshall's week of jr. high. This should be interesting, yet amusing! I leave tomorrow.


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Little Fuzzies...

Today is the first day that I saw Scrappy (my brother's cat) kittens walk by themselves. They are now about 7 weeks old, or something like that. Maybe 5 . .. It's funny because they stumble everywhere, and roll around and when I walk by them they try to pounce on my feet, but they miss. But they don't stop meowing! They keep me up all night, they are pretty quite in the day, but by night they don't shut up (except for the 30 mins that they sleep for... and thats only about 5 times a night..) so i sleep when they sleep.

I am going to camp today, and while I'm gone I hope that my dad doesn't give them away! I like them now too much for them to go. But we now have 6 cats, and they are all little fuzzies..