Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'll fly away

The past ever I have been looking for plane tickets to go home for the holidays. I have no idea what is a good price and what isn't. I know that prices have gotten lower though, since in September is was around $650, and now a month later it is $458. So my plan is to wait about two more weeks and see where I'll go from there. I am so excited to go home, I miss my dad, and my friend(s) and my church, and my friend's family, and yea, my brother. I did some Chirstmas shopping already so I can just go there (earlier then they think) and surprise them with goodies! YAY GOODIES!!!
But besides me looking for a plane ticket nothing else has really gone on. The usual memorization of Matthew 6 and our two midterms on Monday (English and Christian Education). Some of us went to Smitty's and hung out today for supper, I felt like I had to buy a new sword for Robbie since I tackled him and broke his. I also found out that my dad, during his EMG, or EVC (I don't do medical terms, but its when doctor's check your eyes and so on by flashing a lot of lights and you have to keep your sight on a black dot, I really don't know what it is called) But last time he did it he almost passed out, and he had to be escorted from the hospital, but THIS time he could do it with out leaving, it made him dizzy but he "passed" it. Next he has a Catscan thing to check his head and his brain. So I REALLY hope he does okay, It would kill me if something isn't what we think it is. I'm not into surprises from doctor's-Nope, not at all.
We (and by we, I mean the college) are having a Nacho Libre night where we eat nachos and watch Nacho Libre (who would have thought). Tomorrow is church-yessss- gotta love church--
So that is about it really, nothing else going on with me, the usual boringness of my life.

Sunday, October 22, 2006


The youth rally was great! Exhausting beyond all reasonable doubt, but fun. It was Roaring Lambs 2006 .Being on the worship team was hard too. It was like hillsongs united up on the stage! Yes we had a lot of issues to deal with, but by the end we did do a great job. I got so see some friends whom I haven't seen for a long time! I really enjoyed that. Brenton Dickieson was the speaker, he led some really powerful messages.
Three Season Ant was there to do a concert. They are awesome! Such a great job with the worship. I was so stressed and frusterated with random things, and when worship time came, it was just the thing I needed to get relaxed, and in the mood to go on in the weekend. The band was very friendly, they talked to us, and let some kid play with instruments. SO they are not jerks (a plus). I did get to help carry some of their thingys. Not a lot might I add, but help is help. There is a picture of us and the band Three Season Ant.

Over all it was a great time, I can't wait for next year!


Monday, October 16, 2006

patiently waiting

As many people know, Exalt is coming up soon! And by soon I mean on Friday. I am actually ready for it to be over. There is so much to do for it. The worship band has practiced like minimum 20 hours alone, IN THE PAST WEKK AND A HALF! It's crazy, and we have to put off our work to get the worship all ready and set up. We have progressed SO much though, It's awesome! We also have some what of decorations prepared. Somewhat as in, two big posters. But it's a start. but the greatest news of all, is that my best friend is coming down tomorrow! I miss her so much! Elise and I have spend pretty much the whole summer (i think I was at home for about a week) together. It's weird not sleeping on her floor... but now...she is sleeping on mine (yessssssssssssssssss)

Us in 2003. LONG TIME AGO! we are at a kids night *fiesta*

us in 2004--->

<---2005 at Gage Park

Us in 2006 at OCA---->

Yep, We have changed over the years, but still crazy the same! Anyways I get to see her tomorrow, she is staying for a week, tuesday to tuesday!
There still is work to do though, lots and lots of work. . . oh the joys!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

sillies anyone?

you know the feeling when you are just SO tired, you get into the silliest mode you can be in. Well that is what Rebecca and I went into last night. We just barged into rooms and took pictures with different things, and even pictures...enjoy!

Rebecca being recycled?

These are my favourite ;) WHOOT WHOOT!! go leafs go!

Monday, October 09, 2006

TURKEY *drool*

It's time to get out the decorations, and fill our faces with food!
YES THIS IS THANKSGIVING. The only holiday I know that wether I like it or not I sleep after eatting. I usually dine out at home, then at the Jacobsens on this fine holiday, but this year I was in Halifax, Nova Scotia with some friends. It is such a beautiful province. TREES FOR DAYS! I got to see a friend who I haven't seen since I left from home. And I even got to spend it with a new family.
I stayed at Matthew Morris, and Jim Midget's household. That was a blast, all we did was really play nintendo, and watch movies. So we really just hung out. But when we weren't at their house we were at Halifax Christian Church. The church was full of awesome people who were on fire of God. Amazing bunch of people. They had their 25th church anniversary this weekend so there was like 4 services, and a carnival, and a giant, delicious turket dinner that Shannon's mom, pat, Nicholson prepaired for 18 people! AND THERE WAS STILL LEFTOVERS! The food was amazing! Turkey= splendidness, and apple pie= pie in my tummy. I really enjoyed the weekend and spending time in the new area, and with my fellow collegees (Robbie, Katherine, John, James, Shannon, and a little bit of Nathan) Of course to every fun thing there always (or at least something) that gets you down. Of course that person would have to be me. Something always goes wrong to ruin/ upset me. But there is no way to change the past, you just have to move on towards the future, and (as my dad and I say) "Walk it off, or go rub dirt on it" So... when life gives you lemons . . .make delicious lemonade. . .yeah . . anyways, happy thanksgiving!