Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Jesus is the reason for the season

The time has come. Where a jolly old man comes, who gives us gifts, eats our cookies, loves the little children and of course takes pictures with them also. No I am not talking about Santa, I am of course talking about that old creepy man who . . . wait, it IS Santa, never mind. But all the same Christmas is here. There is so much going on at the college, the big thing is that we just had our parade yesterday. IT WAS SO AWESOME!
It was thrilling being on the float seeing lots of people from the ages 3-90 dancing and clapping to our music. There was Shannon, Robbie and myself singing, Robbie playing the guitar, James playing the bass, and John drumming. The three songs we sang were: Joyfull Joyfull, Angels we have heard on high, and deck the halls (that song was pure death to us) It was so energizing being up there, we sang and danced like idiots and had a blast. We also had over 5,000 candy canes! (we ran out from the intersection at UPEI going on to University Ave. to where Mc Donalds is.... little distance) But the kids ahead didn't really know the difference anyways. The rest of us students just walked/ ran (depends how far behind you were -haha-) We also just danced, Darrell even got an old woman to dance with him . . .or vise-versa o_O. and you knwo when someone wants to dance with Darrell that it was good *insert evil laugh* By the end of the parade my voice was scratchy (not quite to my prayer time before Exalt) and we all went to Silverstreams for food. I had so much fun doing this, I really don't think I've had so much excitement go through my bones all at once! And I think the greatest thing was that the parade had SO many Jesus based floats! Only like 5 were christmas based, (I'm probably off by a bit) The one big santa float and the rest Jesus ones! AMAZING, They finally realize was this is all about (unless you are in Life Of Christ and Tom ruins everything by telling you that Jesus wasn't even born on Christmas, or around it *bent heart*) But besides that we did a greeat job and I loved it, we should do one next week!
There is also Christmas Chapel coming up, we really have no idea what to do . . . except that the girls-or rebecca and I- will sing teh 12 days AFTER Christmas. Great and catchy tune, plus I'm pretty sure that Darrell is in love with it. Then the banquet thingy, I really don't know what is going on with anything until the last minute, but there is proabaly more . . . I am leaving for home soon, On the 17th actually.. and I will be home on the 7th... both days the college isn't open, so i will do something there. Anyways my punctuation sucks.... and I am sleepy, and cranky, and hungry (what else is new right :P) SO THATS MY STORY!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Great One?

So much is going on here since my last post! We have less then a month of school left so everything is beginning to be stacked and busy. I have been working with some students for the Christmas parade Float. We haven't had a lot of practices yet, but we do sound good, the hard thing is to memorize the songs. James broke the E string of the bass guitar and they are expensive, pathetically expensive! So we have to see what happens with that issue. We have doing chapel by ourselves and we sounds really good together, ever since Exalt we have been in our "band" and we have grown so much musically together, and our talents are growing so much, and the best thing is that we do it all for God. None of us are really, "Hey look at me on stage..." which is great because worship is for God, and we make sure He knows that when we are up there. James birthday just passed, we usually decorate the lounge and have cake so here are pictures of the lounge and the cake.
I have also bought a new/used pair of ice skates. Some of us went skating at UPEI and I was like a pro! I haven't skated since I was 5, and I didn't fall once, and I was racing people on the ice. It was a blast- my next! Or not...
The students(11 of us) got together last night and we all went to go bowling. There were two teams, Shannon (or princess), James, Tyler, moi, Joel and Kia (or joelwife) on one team, and on the other was Darrell, Nathan, Katherine, Ryan, Robbie, and Vince. Of course my team won BOTH TIMES! However, I was no help to the team the second time since I sucked. I was about to make a Great comeback by getting a strike, but of course my ball goes between the two pins, not even hitting them... and of course it had to happen to me. blah. Then we all went to Dairy Queen. Since I really like ice cream, I really like dairy queen. All I can say is "Dairy Queen, you make good ice cream." Then once we came back to the college I played guitar and Katherine drummed while we waited for Dave to come pick us up to go to hockey. At hockey I actually went out on the ice in my boots. *I was like wayne gretzky* I almost fell twice, and I had no gear or anything, but I was holding a stick, and that is the closest I have got to hockey-ing on ice. It was great, I enjoyed myself, but I did have to get off the ice because I had no helmet..pfft...there was hardly anyone there, Ben and Jamie were away, but still the ice seemed more bare last night.
Today Katherine and I just went shopping, we were girls and bought girls things, and we hung out and talked, which is something we haven't done in a long while. But is it nice to go and shop, especially shoppong. I bought a new pair of shoes for the gym/ gym time since my other ones hurt me. :(
I have been living here in PEI for like.. awhile and I love here so much! I really don't want to leave, I am also so used of seeing people here everyday that the christmas break is going to kill me. Once we all left for thanksgiving and came back it was like we haven't seen each other for months and it was only for a weekend, so this break will be interesting. It because of how much we have grown together so much, it's amazing how God is working in our lives. We have also been growning amazingly in Christ. I love it so much! I am planning to stay here over the summer, maybe go home for like May or both June and May. Maybe work at camp here, or some VBS thing, But I really don't know what is going to happen, I do nothing but pray about it, and if it is what God wants then I shall go for it. Anyways lots to do, always a pleasure!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Our great lack-of-Charity Night

Halloween came and went so quickly this year. We didn't have youth group on the 31st, nope, we had ours on...THE FIRST! There was around like 40 youth, and they all dressed up. It was a blast everyone had fun. Susan ran the games, and it was a fear factor/survior/amazing race kinda thing. They were put into four groups of kids, and the pretty much competed with each other in different activities throughout the night. Of course there was the contests of "Best Costume" for both the Leader and youth. The leader was Ian, he was Wolverine, and the youth was Justine, she went as a girl in a bubble bath- very creative! I had a blast. It was such a great night, we were all dressed up to the point of . .dressy-upness! It's times like these where you can look back and say "I was there." (Unless you're Charity) But that is a different story, of course.

\There is a picture of all the wonderful leaders who dressed up for the occasion/