Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, February 25, 2007


My name is Sam
I love Jesus!
I go to Bible College!
So check me out!!!

*There is a really super random post for all yous who actually read this crazy thing. I guess that would be me as a cheerleader...or maybe...*

My name is Sam
I like to procrasinate
I wish I could procrasinate

* I guess that sounds more like me, yep most definately.*
-But seriously nothing much has been going on here at the college. Got Rebecca to go through the hole thing in the kitchen. Our "secret place". Turns out there was a random room (just as random as this post) Then some things fell on her with nails (but it's okay she is perfectly fine) Then she found a bathroom that was locked on the other side, so I guess you can only get into it by that way. HOWEVER, I don't think that anyone would want to go into it. The smell was SO discusting, and rancid that we were all gagging to the point where at least someone should have thrown up. I will quote Rebecca when writing "It smelt like old crap and dead nuns.." yep it was really that bad.
We have also been "busy" at the college with our choir tour, oh wait.. Maritime Christian College Spring Tour 2007. Long name. There will be no choir, but lots of little things going on. It will be interesting, very very interesting plus some spirit fingers ;) ya never know.
Plus we have our first midterm on Thursday. *yay* -_-. The semester is going by so quickly! Midterms already and here I am blogging instead of studying :P
Now for my final Roll call...just because I can

My name is Sam!
I enjoy Bacon!
Mmm food!!


Monday, February 12, 2007

just a little update

This is really just for Dave...Plus I guess I should update my blog. Man it is crazy here, everyone (well at least 4 people) have "the plague" or otherwise known as death on a stick. I haven't go it yet, but i will when I have to do most work, or on chapel, or whatever busyness comes up. We did our acts memorization of acts 2:14-47 this morning...that was joy in a nutshell. Valentines day is coming up too, it is also Katherine's 19th birthday! She bought some cake mix, and lucky me, I get to bake her a cake with my incredible baking skills.
So there is some sweet news. more good news is that my dad finally got out of the hospital. He was in there for a long time, I am glad he is out now, gets rid of some of my stress. Also now with him being home, my brother will have to go to school.-sucker- but what do i know, i live in my school. >.<
Robbie and James are back from going to camp OCA. They even got to go to the Leafs game on Saturday.
Also I am learning how to facebook. I have never done anything like it before, i guess. And, I am hungry. so that is about it in my life at the present moment. there ya go!