Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Friday, June 30, 2006

Graduation Party

This party was SO fun!
Let me tell you, the food . .. . Mmmmmmm. First we had Pasta, then out came roast beef sauted in onions, peppers, and mushrooms, with potatoes, and green beans. Our table was so full, then the waitor brought out chicken parmasano of whatever it's called. UGH! so good. Then out came the salad. I didn't have any since I was full, so I decided to wait until dessert. By the time dessert rolled around 9 people already got kicked out for drinking, and 2 were throwing up. Too bad for them because we had black forrest cake! Yes the food was good, however, the dancing was better . .
Elise, Crystal and I danced for 5 hours straight! I love to dance, yes we probably did look liek idiots, but hey you have ot be remembered for something! One of the best songs that the D.J. played was a medley of Grease Songs. It was a mixture of "You're the one that I want". Grease Lightning", and "Summer Nights". The teachers were amazed at the fact that all the students knew every word, and they laughed at us when we danced like they did on the movie, and when we sang the end of Summer Nights . The second song was time warp. All the teachers joined in that one, and there was so much energy going around, well that and sweat. Next song that was fun to dance to was of course FOOTLOOSE! We made the whole two lines then two people whould go down the line and dance. TOO MUCH FUN! Oh I love that song, (I'm actually listening to it now).
The last song was of course "Graduation" by Vitamin C. A few people danced, but the rest just looked at their friends and cryed. It didn't really clue in yet for me until that song, and with the of my fellow grads, same with them. After the song we all gave each other hugs, and took millions of pictures, and talked about our past 4 years. Yes what a fun night! Once Elise and I got home, we got changed, and pasted right out. AH good times . ..

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Well another four years have past and I am FINALLY done. I woke up this morning thinking about my highschool memories, and what I will be missing when I go on to MCC. During the ceremony I felt that I was about to pass out! The heat was pathetic, and I almost had an asthma attack. I had my 4 frineds fanning me with their cards, I had my gown unzipped, and my hat off, and pants rolled up right until my name was called. (It made it worse when I had to put everything back on within 20 seconds) Then I received the "Margrette Snall Award" which is a scholarship for students who have taken university french and english all throughout highschool along with getting 6 A's (That were university or mixed courses) Along with me the rest of the french class got one (there's only 5 of us!) the scholarship consisted of a letter and a check. It felt good to hold the award because we all worked so hard for it.
Then I had to go to the office where it was air-conditioned. I got some water, and sat down for about 2 minutes until I was off to go stand back in line for my next award. The award was a plaque for the spanish award. Than once I receiced that I had to go stand in line again for my profiency award (over 80% average)it's a lovely medal to wear around my neck whenever I fell like bragging to my friends who decided that highschool was dumb and dropped out. The valedictorian was Kurt Tossetto. His speech was amazingly funny, and the best part was when we threw out hats up! Ah yes good times.
After all this I meet up with Elise and we took some pictures, found my family, took more picures, then went to the cafeteria to meet some friends and take more pictures. Our spanish class gave Senora Almeida a scrapbook for pictures so she will never forget us, and then Crystal, Elise and I went ot get some snacks they were serving.
The past four years have went by so fast, It was like just yesterday of my first day of grade 9, the day when I walked into a tree infront of all the "Cool Kids" Yes I made quite an impression on them. Now I can only look to my new future at MCC. I have so many things that I would like to do there, plus all of the new experiences I will do and people I will meet!!!!! I know that my time there will be just as swell as my time in highschool.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

THE sam. .welcome

Welcome to Sam's blog, this is actually Elise setting up Sam's blog. Now I'm handing over the reigns. . . . . . . Ok she doesn't feel like writing, so night y'all!