Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Save me from my Sweats!"

So sure it has been a long time since I have blogged. I am finally back on the island. Man it's good to see everyone again. I am staying at Dave and Anna's gorgeous new house. Also I find myself working up at Canoe Cove Christian Camp. Been there for about 2 weeks so far, and have 4 more to go. This camp is so awesome! I love the area, and the food. The councellors are cool too. The actual first week of camp ended yesterday and I was alsmot dead- I was so hot and tired! It was for grades 4 and 5. The camp had about 48 kids there- which is more then I am used to for any camp. The kids were both frusterating and hilarious. They were a great group and even though some things were stressful to deal with I will most definatley miss them.
Also I spend time on the beach. I have touched my first jellyfish, and starfish. actually held a hermit crab and a sunfish, and I walk along dry pointy seaweed without complaining out loud. Being a lifeguard for out in the far water was a little out of my comfort zone - but i still got through it. I love the beach and swimming I just hate what is in the water. But I'm just not fully used to it.
I did go canoeing with Charlene and Shannon. Man that was a disaster! we tried to take the canoe down to teh waters by carrying it over our heads. But realized once it was up that it was too heavy so we ended up walking the wrong way and not being able to see where we were going. Then about 10 minutes of struggling we toppled over and realized that a family was sitting there laughing and watching us. It was then that we realized that we should just lift it and carry it down. Soon after we were in the water. We took in the silence asnd sat in the canoe for a while, then canoed more and more. oddly we ended back up to the shore. I got out pushed the canoe back into the water then quickly tried to jump in, but i fell out the other side and into the water. Soon we had to get out because our break was almost over and the kids were doing rec. Let me tell you that it is easier to carry the canoe down then it is to carry it up! we could only pick it up and drag it about a foot before we got tired- or fell- or tripped- or just dropped it.
Sure people laughed. But I do love canoeing!
My team won the whole week challenges (Well me tyler and Nick's team) in the end the prize was a 6 foot sundae. The kids loved it and ate all of it then after ran around on a sugar high until their parents came to get them. It was great! go team!
The next camp starts Sunday for the grades 2/3 and I an't wait to do it all over again. I'm tired but my excitment keeps me going. I sure am glad to be here and taking on this great opportunity.