Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Saturday, May 05, 2007

A dent+ A bump= my head

School is done. Wait let me repeat myself...SCHOOL IS DONE! It feels good to be able to say that during this month. That means that I have an extra month and so of summer break. However, this will not be much of a break. I am predicting that I will a) work b) do some sort of work with the church c) Come back to PEI and work!!!! This school year is done (I don't think I can stop saying that) and even though I am relieved I am also sad. I had a lot of fun this year, and I will miss everyone (Even you Fred). I cannot wait to come back here in July and bring a little Ontario to Canoe Cove!
The tour is done. Yes the Maritime Christian College Spring Tour 2007 is over! I have to say that I had SO much fun doing it. Of course it was exhausting and traveling 10 hours on a bus was getting old. But Going from church to church, province to province, I met a lot of people, (some crazy-some not) and had fun up on stage. It was crazy how well we did on stage- when we had such slow and sometimes horrible practices. A part that I will never forget is when we were at Garnett Settlement and a woman was trying to get Tyler to date/marry her daughter and of course I will never forget my night at her house! It's our billeting memories that do it for me during the tour. But even though it was so fun. I am kind of glad it is over. For no other reason than the fact that I can sleep in my own bed.
Also us students went paintballing! It was so fun! I got to "dive" into a muddy puddle, shoot people, hide from coming paintballs, and of course what is paintballing without crawling and rolling around to get from wall to wall. There were two different areas we went to, a big field that was in the woods where we could hide in bushes, bunkers, behind walls, trees, and under sticks. Then the other one was out in the open and the only thing we had was barrells. It wasted a lot more paintballs and it was harder to hide. But I liked it. I also liked when Darrell decided to be sneaky and go around our side and shoot us in the back/ butt/ head from less than 10 feet away. (He doesn't believe in the whole FREEZE thing) I also got shot in the head from about 5 feet away. It stung SO MUCH! and I got paint all in my hair. BUt now I have a battle wound, which is cool...I guess. I also enjoyed when John decided to go crazy and run after Katherine and jump over a barrell to where she was hiding- then while in the air shoot- and hit her hand. It made her bleed and not it is swollen and bruised. But it was cool that someone came out of there bleeding.
Graduation is tomorrow. Also the day when I leave to go home. ugh. I have pretty much packed all of my things and I am ready to go back home. I realized when I packed that I have 26 pairs of footwear here! (this includes slippers, sandals, running, flats, heels and boots) I didn't realize that I had so many! I am crazy- but love shoes.
Went to see Spider Man 3 yesterday. A whole group of us went to the first show. I think I jumped like....8 times, and if you have ever seen a movie with me- know that I had all the facial expressings going, and getting excited/ disappointed. I bet it is a funny thing to watch. I enjoyed the movie. It was good. I will not say what I like or disliked incase anyone hasn't seen it/ wants to see it.
Anyways, I am sure that my laundry should be done now- Later Days