Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Saturday, April 14, 2007

If I rub some on my belly I wouldn't look any thinner

I guess it has been awhile since I have written something here. Lots have been going on! I have been getting ready for travelling back to Ontario (May 6th). Choir tour practice...or should I say Maritime Christian College Spring Tour 2007. That starts on the 28th! AHHH! Time is running out, and there is so much to do! ugh, I am excited for it though...never been to NB before. We also have one more week of classes before exams come up. This year went by SO fast, its crazy. I don't want to leave, I have grown to love this little island. I can't wait until I come back next year. Also I have been able to have the opportunity to go to Canoe Cove as a councilor! I am so thankful and excited, and impatient, and ..excited...I really can't think of words at the moment. All I remember when I got the call was me screaming, and running around. This will be such an awesome experience, and I can't wait until I get the chance to meet the campers, hang out, see a jelly fish, teach some things, and of course bring some Ontario to this camp! I love how kids at camp are just on fire for God, the attitude, the's like my home away from home. So I have just been enjoying the company of the people around me. It is going to be different waking up, and rolling out of bed to class and seeing everyone there. I will miss all my new friends here. We have been through a lot- the hard times, the good times, broken hearts..or at least bent hearts, the joys of wearing clickies, staying up until 3 am talking about things that don't make sense anymore, Exalt, the parade, and I could go on....It will be different to see new people here next year. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Cody Banks- Hockey!