Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

"Saddle Up your Horses!"

My week of March Break is over. I actually wouldn't call it a break at all. There was no breaking what-so-ever. There was so much to do, but it all really paid off in the end. I helpped out at the March Break Out. At Immanuel Bible School, or something like thatThe theme was Avalanche Ranch, quite western and I'm sure I enjoyed the music more then the kids did. I did the VBS with the younger kids (along with Elise, Katherine and Rebecca) ages 3-5. That was fun. We sang songs, played with playdo, played some games, ate, made awesome crafts, and sang and danced our hearts out. I really enjoyed all the kids that were there. They were all so happy, it was awesome to see them learn about God, and make new friends. We had from 26-16 kids there. It was always amusing working with everyone, and teaching or just chatting with the wee tots. They always had something funny, or witty to say. After every morning I left the morning VBS, I went over to the other school and helpped out there. It was too much fun there, so busy!

-In the end, I met some great kids, got to play on a big bouncy thing, made snow cones, hands turned blue from snow cone making...Failed at holding a door open, so we got locked out, and was compared to a barrell...yep good times good times.

BUT i can not complain because I did not have to take down the carnival bouncy things...they were like 700 lbs! SUCKERS...

Here is Rebecca, me and Elise with leprosy, horrible thing, but yet makes an awesome game :P

I forget what we were doing, but I bet it was fun

I am the Queen of awesome faces >_<
But now it is back to reality, later dudes!


Friday, March 02, 2007

I've never....

If I said that I have never been beat with a magic bag i would be lying. I think I make it into the world records (that i know of) for being the first person to have gotten beat with a magic bag by Doreen Eynon. Yep, that sweet, loving woman hit me repeatedly with a bag. It was so funny though, I couldn't help laughing which might add probably didn't help at all! All I can say is that it was funny, a little painful, and that woman loves her cat!