Stupid GaGa Woman. .?

I know it's weird, but what other comeback can beat it?

Sunday, September 02, 2007

summer days

I can not believe that summer is well... over. It is already September. I am sad it's over. I had loads of fun at camp. I don't think I have ever had such a great experience. Everything was so amazing! And I actually swam in the ocean! YAY me.
So besides the fact that I am a nerd. I spend my other time at Dave and Anna's. And what can I say- never a dull moment. I appreciate what they have done for me. Makes me not want to move into the college. But I can be excited for organizing my new room!!!! yay....
Plus it would be nice to see everyone again!!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

"Save me from my Sweats!"

So sure it has been a long time since I have blogged. I am finally back on the island. Man it's good to see everyone again. I am staying at Dave and Anna's gorgeous new house. Also I find myself working up at Canoe Cove Christian Camp. Been there for about 2 weeks so far, and have 4 more to go. This camp is so awesome! I love the area, and the food. The councellors are cool too. The actual first week of camp ended yesterday and I was alsmot dead- I was so hot and tired! It was for grades 4 and 5. The camp had about 48 kids there- which is more then I am used to for any camp. The kids were both frusterating and hilarious. They were a great group and even though some things were stressful to deal with I will most definatley miss them.
Also I spend time on the beach. I have touched my first jellyfish, and starfish. actually held a hermit crab and a sunfish, and I walk along dry pointy seaweed without complaining out loud. Being a lifeguard for out in the far water was a little out of my comfort zone - but i still got through it. I love the beach and swimming I just hate what is in the water. But I'm just not fully used to it.
I did go canoeing with Charlene and Shannon. Man that was a disaster! we tried to take the canoe down to teh waters by carrying it over our heads. But realized once it was up that it was too heavy so we ended up walking the wrong way and not being able to see where we were going. Then about 10 minutes of struggling we toppled over and realized that a family was sitting there laughing and watching us. It was then that we realized that we should just lift it and carry it down. Soon after we were in the water. We took in the silence asnd sat in the canoe for a while, then canoed more and more. oddly we ended back up to the shore. I got out pushed the canoe back into the water then quickly tried to jump in, but i fell out the other side and into the water. Soon we had to get out because our break was almost over and the kids were doing rec. Let me tell you that it is easier to carry the canoe down then it is to carry it up! we could only pick it up and drag it about a foot before we got tired- or fell- or tripped- or just dropped it.
Sure people laughed. But I do love canoeing!
My team won the whole week challenges (Well me tyler and Nick's team) in the end the prize was a 6 foot sundae. The kids loved it and ate all of it then after ran around on a sugar high until their parents came to get them. It was great! go team!
The next camp starts Sunday for the grades 2/3 and I an't wait to do it all over again. I'm tired but my excitment keeps me going. I sure am glad to be here and taking on this great opportunity.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gage Park

I have a love for taking pictures. No really being in them, I never know where to put my hands, or how to pose or whatever it is. But I like to take pictures of all sorts of things. Elise and I were bored so we decided to go to Gage Park and relax, talk, and take pictures. I don't remember the last time I have actually hung aroung Gage, but it was fun. I used to go swimming in the fountain and so on when I was younger (eww- gross) and I love trees,a nd flowers and all sorts of other greenery! It makes me happy. And there is a tree there (A BIG WILLOW) that I have liked ever since the first day I saw it long ago. It's just big and droopy.

Here is me and the fountain. I was deciding how to climb it. --->

<--- Elise finally giving up on trying to stay dry

It was a bright and beautiful day outside! --->
<--- Elise and I drying off in the sun

Thursday, June 21, 2007


I find myself bored most of the days. Work is little, and I am leaving in 21 day and counting. I did go to IKEA and purchase a nice new set of forks and knives for my college days, a hangy thingy for in my tiny box of a closet, and fun napkins! Oh my life doesn't get more exciting then this! Let me tell you that for sure. Also at IKEA I got 50 cent hotdogs and a pop.

So really I haven't done anything exciting yet to blog about it.
BUT I have been enjoying my time with my church here...I missed everyone so much, we are all so silly. Plus there are the Bible studies and the VBS of avalanche Ranch coming up (YAY) we are doing with the daycare/ kids from the community. So I guess it was already most convienent for doing the March Break Out witht he preschoolers. So I just have really no life at the moment- just waiting for something extraordinary to happen I guess.

Monday, June 04, 2007

patiently waiting

Now I am officially settled in here in Ontario. I find myself, however, living in a box and a garbage bag. But that is okay because I only have a month left here. I got my plane ticket already and will be heading back to PEI July 11th! I am excited.. too excited! I also took my first aid/ CPR course, and if I have learned nothing else in my life is was the joys of trying to save a dummy. I also liked how I could help someone with a broken collarbone but found it quite difficult to put a simple sling on someone. I also am certified to work an AED machine (those machines that put jolts of electricity through someone's body). tee hee. I found that marvy. So after that course I now can work at the camp. Speaking of camp- soon! Even though I am really really patiently waiting for it to come, I must say that I am quite nervous. I have minor worries, none that are a problem, I can be known to let my imagination get the best of me. I am excited to see my school friends, and those whom I didn't go to school with.
I find life boring now that I don't have to study something... even though when school comes I will probably wish I never said that. But now I have nothing to do. least when I am done work. Which in fact I just started at Noah's Ark Children's Center! It's a daycare, and I love it. I do a little bit of eveything. Clean, prepare foods, rub backs during nap time while not falling asleep myself (tricky it is), then when the wee ones wake up making sure that they play safe and stay out of trouble. Always entertaining. Today I taught the schoolagers a camp song and as they did enjoy it, they also remembered it!
I am liking the visiting my church friends... I forgot how much I missed them. I missed singing toltally off-key, and dancing horribly, and wrestling with each other... And the of course lovely IKEA visits after church. 50 cent hotdogs WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE.

Anyways- random note here to anyone who reads this...if people still do this whole blogging thing: A prayer for my dad. He isn't doing so hot. Has A LOT of seizures and is slowly killing himself- which sucks. At moment this is a big issue in my life because if he doesn't get better I may not go to PEI (just in case anything happens) for I know that if something happens and I can't comfort or help I will.. not die but feel...awful. So a prayer for a loved one!

Ti'll we write again..or at least me, I guess...

Saturday, May 05, 2007

A dent+ A bump= my head

School is done. Wait let me repeat myself...SCHOOL IS DONE! It feels good to be able to say that during this month. That means that I have an extra month and so of summer break. However, this will not be much of a break. I am predicting that I will a) work b) do some sort of work with the church c) Come back to PEI and work!!!! This school year is done (I don't think I can stop saying that) and even though I am relieved I am also sad. I had a lot of fun this year, and I will miss everyone (Even you Fred). I cannot wait to come back here in July and bring a little Ontario to Canoe Cove!
The tour is done. Yes the Maritime Christian College Spring Tour 2007 is over! I have to say that I had SO much fun doing it. Of course it was exhausting and traveling 10 hours on a bus was getting old. But Going from church to church, province to province, I met a lot of people, (some crazy-some not) and had fun up on stage. It was crazy how well we did on stage- when we had such slow and sometimes horrible practices. A part that I will never forget is when we were at Garnett Settlement and a woman was trying to get Tyler to date/marry her daughter and of course I will never forget my night at her house! It's our billeting memories that do it for me during the tour. But even though it was so fun. I am kind of glad it is over. For no other reason than the fact that I can sleep in my own bed.
Also us students went paintballing! It was so fun! I got to "dive" into a muddy puddle, shoot people, hide from coming paintballs, and of course what is paintballing without crawling and rolling around to get from wall to wall. There were two different areas we went to, a big field that was in the woods where we could hide in bushes, bunkers, behind walls, trees, and under sticks. Then the other one was out in the open and the only thing we had was barrells. It wasted a lot more paintballs and it was harder to hide. But I liked it. I also liked when Darrell decided to be sneaky and go around our side and shoot us in the back/ butt/ head from less than 10 feet away. (He doesn't believe in the whole FREEZE thing) I also got shot in the head from about 5 feet away. It stung SO MUCH! and I got paint all in my hair. BUt now I have a battle wound, which is cool...I guess. I also enjoyed when John decided to go crazy and run after Katherine and jump over a barrell to where she was hiding- then while in the air shoot- and hit her hand. It made her bleed and not it is swollen and bruised. But it was cool that someone came out of there bleeding.
Graduation is tomorrow. Also the day when I leave to go home. ugh. I have pretty much packed all of my things and I am ready to go back home. I realized when I packed that I have 26 pairs of footwear here! (this includes slippers, sandals, running, flats, heels and boots) I didn't realize that I had so many! I am crazy- but love shoes.
Went to see Spider Man 3 yesterday. A whole group of us went to the first show. I think I jumped like....8 times, and if you have ever seen a movie with me- know that I had all the facial expressings going, and getting excited/ disappointed. I bet it is a funny thing to watch. I enjoyed the movie. It was good. I will not say what I like or disliked incase anyone hasn't seen it/ wants to see it.
Anyways, I am sure that my laundry should be done now- Later Days

Saturday, April 14, 2007

If I rub some on my belly I wouldn't look any thinner

I guess it has been awhile since I have written something here. Lots have been going on! I have been getting ready for travelling back to Ontario (May 6th). Choir tour practice...or should I say Maritime Christian College Spring Tour 2007. That starts on the 28th! AHHH! Time is running out, and there is so much to do! ugh, I am excited for it though...never been to NB before. We also have one more week of classes before exams come up. This year went by SO fast, its crazy. I don't want to leave, I have grown to love this little island. I can't wait until I come back next year. Also I have been able to have the opportunity to go to Canoe Cove as a councilor! I am so thankful and excited, and impatient, and ..excited...I really can't think of words at the moment. All I remember when I got the call was me screaming, and running around. This will be such an awesome experience, and I can't wait until I get the chance to meet the campers, hang out, see a jelly fish, teach some things, and of course bring some Ontario to this camp! I love how kids at camp are just on fire for God, the attitude, the's like my home away from home. So I have just been enjoying the company of the people around me. It is going to be different waking up, and rolling out of bed to class and seeing everyone there. I will miss all my new friends here. We have been through a lot- the hard times, the good times, broken hearts..or at least bent hearts, the joys of wearing clickies, staying up until 3 am talking about things that don't make sense anymore, Exalt, the parade, and I could go on....It will be different to see new people here next year. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Cody Banks- Hockey!